Worksheet Ordering Decimal Numbers. Before you order a series of decimal values you must first evaluate each value individually and then compare all the values. This section includes ordering decimal numbers worksheets.
Comparing Decimals Worksheet | (Mattie Aguilar)
This section includes ordering decimal numbers worksheets. This collection of worksheets has students compare the relative values of decimal numbers. The questions on decimal worksheets below include the decimal number system such as converting fractions to decimals; converting decimals to fractions in its lowest terms; writing the decimal places and their place values; converting the unlike decimals to like decimals; etc., will help your child to get.
The numbers after the decimal point in a decimal are called the tenths (because each one is Each row of this table tells you how many units, tenths and hundredths a number is made up of.
The comparing decimals worksheets have students compare pairs of numbers and the ordering decimals worksheets have students compare a list of numbers by sorting them.
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The student will be given a list of decimal numbers and be asked to order them in ascending or descending order. Look at each row and work out how to represent each number. Is your fourth grader struggling to wrap her head around decimals?