Worksheet Fractions Into Decimals. Drills for converting less common fractions into decimal equivalents using long division. Welcome to our Fractions Decimals Percents Worksheets page.
Catered to the fourth-grade curriculum, it's a great way to build comfort with decimal fractions.
MORE FRACTIONS WORKSHEETS Fraction Addition Fraction Circles Fraction Circles Template Fraction Model Fraction Subtraction Fractions - Coloring Fractions - Comparing Fractions - Equivalent Fractions - Halves Convert between percents, fractions and decimals - W.
Includes worksheets with only tenths, only hundredths, only thousandths, as well as a mix of all three. The worksheets on these pages will teach your students the following fraction skills: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions; working with like and unlike fractions; comparing fractions and decimals; ordering fractions; converting fractions into. Here you will find a wide range of printable Fraction Worksheets which will help your child understand and practice how to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages.